"Hot Tips"

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So you are new to this chatting thing and you'd like some questions answered? Here are some answers to questions that we are asked all the time.

Since web based chat (as well as Internet Relay Chat -IRC) is a text based form of communication we have to show emotions in a text based environment. This is accomplished by the use of emoticons..... or as they are called on the Net "Smileys". Some common Smiley's are:

:-) Happy
;-) Winking
:-( Unhappy
:-* Blown Kiss
=:-0 Surprise, hair standing on end

Sometimes you just may want to write something in Net Shorthand. Some of the common ones are:

*L* Laughing
*LOL* Laughing out loud
*ROTFL* Rolling on the floor laughing
*ROTFLMAO* Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
BTWBy the way
IMHOIn my humble opinion
(the user is *rarely* humble)
BRBBe Right Back

Another thing we are asked all the time is how to write HTML code and how to show pixs. HTML is the language used to write web pages. The most common codes are:

Text or Image to Center
To Center Text or an Image
Text to make Bold To make text BOLD
< I > Text to Italic < /I > To make text Italic
More text
If you want
to start a new line.
I put a
tag after the word want
and the word line.

and more text

To start a new paragraph
you would use the


This causes an extra line
to be placed between the blocks of text

Text to BLINK Causes text to BLINK
The blink is annoying
and should be used seldom
< FONT SIZE =4 >Text to make size 4
(The default font size is 3) < /FONT >
To increase font size to size 4
< FONT SIZE =5 >Text to make size 5 < /FONT> To increase font size to size 5
< FONT SIZE =6 >Text to make size 6 < /FONT > To increase font size to size 6
< FONT SIZE=7 >Text to make size 7 < /FONT> To increase font size to size 7
Text to make size 2 < /FONT > To decrease font size to size 2
Text to make size 1 < /FONT > To decrease font size to size 1
Text to color To have colored text

You can also use hexidecimal numbers. There are many places
to find the hex numbers.
This is where we go:
Hype's Color Specifier for Netscape
Program One's Netscape Color to Hex Tables

ALWAYS remember to close your tags. Failure to do so is very annoying to others

Another thing folks always want to know is how to put up a picture. First thing is the pix MUST be located on a server somewhere. It can be on your server, or it can be on a server anywhere in the world. What you must have tho' is a URL for that pix.

To put up a pix type:
(IMG SRC="the URL of the pix") REMEMBER USE < > NOT ( )

That's all. For me to show this pix of a wolf doing something natrual I typed:

(IMG width=60 SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~wolfpaw/CARTOONS/SHIT.gif") REMEMBER USE < > NOT ( )

When looking for pix.... you should keep in mind that pictures that are large in size can cause some folks computer problems. Be a considerate chatter and keep the image size low.

One more thing we are always asked: "What is Caching?":

The first time a page is requested, Netscape downloads the page from the Internet. Each page you retrieve is temporarily stored in a cache. If you subsequently request a page you have previously acquired, Netscape checks to see if the page is available in the cache. If you click on the Back button, you'll notice that cached documents are displayed much faster than when you first displayed the document.

There may be times when you suspect your cache is acting incorrectly, or maybe you just want to free up some memory space. The caches are clearable by pressing the Clear Memory Cache Now and Clear Disk Cache Now buttons.

Well we hope that we had explained some of the things you can do,we hope that this has helped you out a great deal Please sign our book with your comments thank you WOLF & DEVIL WOLF!

This page last updated:
June 25th/98