Spirit sprinkles...spirit cheer.....
We've got lots of spirit here
Put a little fairy dust on the page right there
Showing all the fighters that wolves really care
If you need a helping paw to get you on your way
Just ask any Wolf and see what they will say
This Wolf will help you with whatever you may need
Together we are planting friendship's tender seed
Give it all the love and caring you can spare
And soon you'll have a friend that will always be there


I am PROUD to be a WOLF
Come and hear me HOWL
Let me show you what these HOWLS are for
I'll HOWL my way to the top
Until I win I can not stop
The summit is my goal so this I must achieve
Until I do this, the fights, I can not leave
A wolf does not quit
A wolf does not whine
Give me a fight
And I will do just fine
So let's hear a wolf howl
We know what I came here for!!


The gift of thanks below means alot to me,it came from a very nice lady,It was given for friendship and to have fun at the sitefights....*S* If you get a chance please drop by her web site its well worth the look.....*S*

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