Devil Wolf's Homepage
My Alpha mate's homepage,has information on eagles and wolves...Devil wolf is always there for help if you need it.... She is a very good person to chat with and she has a good supply of jokes *S*
These are two young pups,always asking questions....*L*They love to get email and chat,thier page is also on wolves worth a look....*S* If you can please sign thier guest book.....(thanks)

Friends Of The Wolf
Here you will find alot of information on the wolf,this lady really cares about the wolf..This is one sight you must visit,her news letters are great as well,this is a must see sight.....*S*

Pink Wolfs HomePage
Here you will find alot of information on the wolf as well,this lady will help you in anyway she can...Her sight is well worth a peek,If you find her on chat she is one good person to talk too.....*S*

Kal & Sadie
Sadie and Kal have spent alot of time making their page but is well worth the visit to their site...*S* They are great people to chat with and Sadie has a store room of jokes,If you have the time you got to check their page out....*S*
This is one fine lady she replies to all e-mail and is a great person to get to know.....*S*
She also has a fine interest in wolves and loves to rub on wolfie ears.....*L*

This page last updated:
June 25th/98